About Us

About Us

Welcome to Koma, your one-stop shop for premium frozen ramen and pho in a hyper-convenient format.

I'm Zach, the founder of Koma. At present, "About Us" is a bit of a misnomer as no one else works here, but referring to myself in the singular all over the website sounds weird so we're gonna let it ride.

Now, I know what you're thinking. The elephant in the room. "What are this guy's soup-making credentials?"

Fact is, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone more qualified. David Chang told the New York Times that I'm his hero, and Anthony Bourdain dubbed me the "Godfather of Western Pho." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took one sip of my shoyu broth and awarded me legal permanent resident status on the spot — Japan's supreme court branded this act "patently absurd," and "the brashest executive overreach in 70 years," but threw out the case when Koma catered what was meant to be a 30 minute recess. Their per curiam opinion? "Damn that shit's good."

Okay, I have no credentials.

What I do have is a deep love for ramen/pho and cooking at large, a notebook full of recipes and methods reflecting countless hours of experimentation, and an obsession with providing my customers with an exceptional product.

My goal for Koma is to offer "Heat & Eat" ramen, pho, and more at the confluence of exceptional quality, convenience, and accessibility.

Get in contact at zach@komakitchen.com or @komakitchen_ on Instagram.

Special thanks to my mom who has supported Koma in its infancy by allowing me to endlessly experiment in her kitchen. Sorry about the messes ma.